Vinexpo webinar tackles brand priorities for 2021

Trade show Vinexpo New York will host its fourth webinar this week, which will focus on adapting to US market changes during and after Covid-19.

In September, Vinexpo New York launched a five-part series of online seminars to help brands launch in the US. The series, called Growing Brands in the US Market, has been created by Vinexpo New York and Sonoma State University.

The fourth session at 12pm EST on 3 December will be ‘Brand Planning for 2021 Part 1 – Assessing Market Fit for Brands’. It will be hosted by Ray Johnson, executive director, Wine Business Institute at Sonoma State University.

The session will hear from speakers including Juliana Colangelo, vice president, west coast director, Colangelo & Partners; Martha Vicedomini, strategic projects manager, Empson USA; Andrew Blok, portfolio director, Delicato Family Wines; and Geralyn Brostrom, wine business instructor, Wine Business Institute, Sonoma State University.

The webinar will address the question ‘What has been added to the marketing and brand plan must-do list for 2021 and beyond?’.

In addition, the speakers will discuss what retailers, restaurateurs, and e-commerce companies need from producers/brand owners to successfully sell products in 2021, and how to tailor marketing materials and messaging to be competitive in the digital space.

Furthermore, the session will look at the importance of reaching the consumer with messaging and provide examples of how producers have adapted amid the pandemic.

To sign up for the free webinar, click here.

The last event in the series will take place on 10 December at 12pm EST, titled ‘Brand Planning for 2021 Part 2 – Beyond Traditional Wine & Spirits: Reimagining Products and Route to Market’.

The final session will look at how new and emerging brand owners can ‘watch and learn’ from trends in the industry.

In October, Vinexpo New York cancelled its 2021 fair due to the “ongoing risks” of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Author: Nicola Carruthers

Timothy Kelly

Tim is the Founder & Master Distiller at Felene. He developed his passion for the spirits and hospitality business while growing-up and working in his family's restaurant and liquor store business. Tim’s passion for the epicurean lifestyle has found it’s latest manifestation in the Felene Distillery. Tim is a 5-time Gold Medal Award winning Distiller. He has won a Platinum medal at the Prestigious Los Angeles Spirits Awards and his signature vodka was named Best-in-Category by the American Distilling Institute. Mr. Kelly is also a prolific author and writer and his blog is filled with ideas, discoveries, observations and recommendations to help his readers enjoy life’s simple epicurean pleasures.

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