In 2020, Sky-High Tariffs Are Crippling The Fine Wine Industry

The one-two punch of tariffs and Covid-19 are sending the wine industry into survival mode. (Photo … [+] by Luca Zanon/Awakening/) 2020 has not been easy for the wine world. To list off a few …

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Timothy Kelly

Tim is the Founder & Master Distiller at Felene. He developed his passion for the spirits and hospitality business while growing-up and working in his family's restaurant and liquor store business. Tim’s passion for the epicurean lifestyle has found it’s latest manifestation in the Felene Distillery. Tim is a 5-time Gold Medal Award winning Distiller. He has won a Platinum medal at the Prestigious Los Angeles Spirits Awards and his signature vodka was named Best-in-Category by the American Distilling Institute. Mr. Kelly is also a prolific author and writer and his blog is filled with ideas, discoveries, observations and recommendations to help his readers enjoy life’s simple epicurean pleasures.

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