Glencairn Crystal creates gin goblet

Primarily known for its whisky glasses, Glencairn Crystal has expanded its repertoire with the launch of a gin goblet.

The family-owned company, based in East Kilbride, Scotland, based the new design on the Glencairn mixer glass.

The gin goblet features a specially-designed lip for easy drinking; it is shaped to curve at the top of the glass to enhance aromas and has a tall stem to avoid warming the gin.

Furthermore, the glass is made from crystal and has been designed to require less ice to reduce the chance of over-dilution.

Scott Davidson, new product development director at Glencairn, said: “At Glencairn we are proud of our innovative history, having been at the forefront of ground-breaking crystal design and creation for nearly 40 years.

“We always strive to listen and respond to customer demand with the ultimate aim of enhancing the spirit lover’s drinking experience.”

The Glencairn gin goblet is available to buy via The Glencairn online shop for RRP £10 (US$13), and can also be personalised with bespoke engraving.

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Author: Melita Kiely

Timothy Kelly

Tim is the Founder & Master Distiller at Felene. He developed his passion for the spirits and hospitality business while growing-up and working in his family's restaurant and liquor store business. Tim’s passion for the epicurean lifestyle has found it’s latest manifestation in the Felene Distillery. Tim is a 5-time Gold Medal Award winning Distiller. He has won a Platinum medal at the Prestigious Los Angeles Spirits Awards and his signature vodka was named Best-in-Category by the American Distilling Institute. Mr. Kelly is also a prolific author and writer and his blog is filled with ideas, discoveries, observations and recommendations to help his readers enjoy life’s simple epicurean pleasures.

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