American Handcrafted Vodka (40% alc/vol)

Cocktail Nutrition Calculator (BETA)

(This calculator is a live BETA version which means we will be making real-time modifications on the code and functionality. To get the latest functionality, refresh the page in your browser each time you visit).

Discover the ultimate Cocktail Nutrition Calculator to create and customize your favorite drinks with precision. This intuitive tool allows you to calculate the alcohol content (ABV), sugar, carbohydrates, and calories for any cocktail recipe. Choose from a comprehensive database of spirits, liqueurs, juices, and carbonated mixers, including popular brands and specialty beverages like kombucha and Orangina. Perfect for home bartenders, mixologists, and health-conscious drink enthusiasts, this cocktail nutrition calculator ensures you know exactly what’s in your glass. Start crafting smarter, healthier cocktails today!

Advanced Cocktail Calculator

Advanced Cocktail Calculator

Click to View Instructions

  1. Choose Ingredients: Select ingredients from the dropdowns.
  2. Add an Ingredient: After selecting an ingredient, click “Add Ingredient” and enter its volume (in ounces).
  3. Calculate Results: Click “Calculate” to see the totals.
  4. Reset Form: Click “Reset” to clear all selections, input fields, and results.


The Cocktail Nutrition Calculator uses standard values for the listed ingredients. Nutritional values are approximate and are a guide to actual nutritional value ranges for the combination of ingredients.